Cycle, 2023
Cycle is a 9-minute short film written by Amber Akhtar, following the story of a young woman who tries to wash out a blood stain after an abortion. Shot over three nights in Brooklyn with a women-led team, directing and editing this film was an affirming professional welcome to the world of indie film. 

Cycle is premiering at the Big Apple Film Festival on May 22nd
Next: Nevada Women's Film Festival on June 22nd
BTS photos by Elena Dagan
Disrupted, 2022
Disrupted is a one-woman experimental film about the loss of my father to suicide. The 35-minute short film is divided into 10 unique chapters that explore the multifaceted perspectives on mental health and grief. This work was developed over the course of a year as my thesis which I wrote, designed, directed, performed, and edited. 
The full film is available upon request:
Multiverse Media, 2021
Multiverse Media was a student organization focused on artistic collaboration across the UMich campus toward the filming of a 4 part web series. I was cast in the third installment, linked below.
Woman In Training, 2019
W.I.T, created by Amanda Kuo, is a web series about finding yourself in womanhood and queerhood. I worked on this set as the Art Director and was also cast in the finale episode. 
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